The Fight Against Infection Control
Vinyl vs Carpet
POS Contract Flooring are commercial flooring contractors who supply and install a wide range of commercial flooring across many specialised industries.
Now more than ever, there is a need to focus on hygiene and infection control. As cleaning regimes and standards have increased, now is the time to further improve cleanliness and safety by considering the changes that we can make to our surroundings. Materials that have long been the norm may not be adequate for infection control, and better alternatives are available.
Polyflor Vinyl Flooring
Polyflor is one of the leading manufacturers of vinyl flooring in the UK. Polyflor vinyl flooring products are proven not to harbour dirt.
The 100% impervious surface has no joints for bacteria & viruses to congregate in and no fibres for germs to cling to. Coving the product removes the gap between the floor and wall, further reducing the number of contaminants.
A well-maintained vinyl floor is hygienic and doesn’t support the growth of bacteria & viruses. When compared to carpet, it is clear that a smooth vinyl surface harbours less dirt & is more hygienic.
Polyflor vinyl flooring products feature smooth, resilient surfaces that are easier to clean than textile-based floor coverings. The PUR finish provides superior benefits, making cleaning quick and easy with minimal equipment. Introducing disinfectants can further enhance the maintenance regime. Most leading tablet and liquid disinfectants are safe to use with most Polyflor ranges. High-temperature cleaning can be carried out with vinyl products, helping to kill viruses present on the product surface. The 100% waterproof nature of the product also lends itself to regular wet cleaning, with fast drying times minimising disruption.

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